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300 CHF / session

With the purchase of a 6-session package, the cost is CHF 250 per session

What is it for

The Protocol is used to reduce localised adiposity in the abdomen, hips, inner thighs, coulotte de cheval. It consists of a combination of several complementary and synergic technologies. This synergy is based on the use of several methods that optimise the effects on the adipose tissue, acting with different mechanisms. Each person presents a unique situation, which is why all our protocols, including Lipo-lytic, are tailor-made and customised after a careful examination of the starting situation.

How it works

After a preliminary assessment, the achievable goals, technologies and ideal methods are defined. Sessions and the Protocol pathway are then planned. The combined and synergic action of several technologies is then programmed over several sessions, each of which creates a specific action for dissolving fat deposits, or for muscular and/or skin firming, or for draining liquids. Customisation of the protocol is a fundamental element that allows clear and lasting results to be obtained. With experience we have matured the conviction that there is no machine today that alone can guarantee complex results such as localised fat reduction. Only the correct management of the action of several technologies makes it possible to be able to meet the patient's demands and expectations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions varies from person to person, and their frequency is usually weekly. The Lipo-lytic Protocol programme is defined after a preliminary consultation that assesses the needs, achievable goals and the technologies to be included. Results are usually visible after the first 2-3 sessions. It is important to follow the advice given to optimise the results. It is, in fact, essential to combine a diet to support the treatments.

Is it painful?

All technologies in the Lypo-lytic Protocol are non-invasive and painless.

Side effects?

It is possible in some cases to feel a slight soreness in the treated areas in the following hours, and these areas may also appear slightly reddened immediately after the session. These side effects, however, resolve spontaneously in a short time without the need for additional treatment.

What are the most important benefits?

Session after session, you will notice a visible reduction in the localised fat treated, accompanied by a simultaneous improvement in skin firming.

Guided Path


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