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150-200 CHF
per session per area
(face, neck or décolleté)

What is it for

Synergy between different peelings, ideal when a significant improvement in skin texture and attenuation of hyperpigmentation is desired. This protocol can be used to treat areas of the face, neck, décolleté or back. The synergic action allows for immediately visible and long-lasting results, in particular a marked improvement in skin radiance and texture. The combined action also gives excellent results in the case of impure skin, in the presence of acne and dilated pores, giving the skin a natural purity and improving its overall appearance both to the eye and to the touch, appearing smoother and more velvety.

How it works

After a preliminary assessment in which the characteristics of the skin are examined, the achievable objectives on the areas to be treated and the ideal methodologies are defined for the definition of the Protocol. The Peel-off Protocol consists of several phases, the first of which, preparatory, is performed at each session and is functional for increasing the effectiveness of the technologies used in the subsequent phases. After the treatments, in some cases it may happen that the skin becomes more sensitive for a few days. In these situations it should therefore be treated gently, moisturising it, and it should be protected, avoiding sun exposure by using high photoprotection to avoid the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by ultraviolet rays.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many sessions are needed and how long do they last?

Depending on the objectives, the area to be treated, the type of peeling and the severity of the blemishes, 3 to 5 sessions are needed, which are scheduled about two to three weeks apart.

Are there any contraindications?

This protocol cannot be used in areas where there is inflammation, infection or open wounds. In the case of herpes, antiviral prophylaxis must be started before and continued after treatment. Also contraindicated in cases of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Is it painful?

No. Sometimes you may feel a slight discomfort during certain treatment steps, but generally they are very well tolerated even in the most sensitive areas.

Side effects?

Depending on the treatment, there may be mild side effects, the most frequent of which is temporary reddening of the skin. These effects, however, usually resolve spontaneously in a few days. In some cases, an exfoliation process may be triggered that should be left to evolve naturally without intervention other than by using thermal water sprays or moisturising/soothing creams that provide immediate comfort to inflamed skin.

After how long are the effects visible?

The results are evident from the very first session, but repeated sessions intensify the effects from time to time.

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