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Facial harmonisation treatment



400 CHF / session

the price includes the use of a vial

What is it for

The possible applications of fillers today are many, certainly among the most important being the treatment of lips or certain deep facial wrinkles. More and more often we speak of facial harmonisation, meaning the ability of the Filler to restore proportion in the various aesthetic components of the face. With due limitations, filler can nowadays be considered a non-surgical alternative to a facelift in some cases. The excellent results obtained on the lips, improving their volume, hydration, symmetry, definition and proportions, can sometimes also be achieved in other areas such as the glabella, naso-labial wrinkles, cheeks and cheekbones, but also with very good results in the neck, décolleté and hand areas. The fillers used are of the reabsorbable type, i.e. they are gradually reabsorbed in the months following implantation, leaving almost no trace of their presence. The most commonly used fillers are those based on Hyaluronic Acid, a molecule that is present in all our elastic and supporting tissues and that we tend to progressively lose with age. There are, however, different types of Hyaluronic Acid, each with different visco-elastic and long-lasting properties. In fact, each anatomical area requires the filler to have specific characteristics so that a totally natural effect can be achieved, while minimising side effects. The role of Hyaluronic Acid in a Filler is twofold: on the one hand it serves to create volume, so as to fill in the deepest wrinkles or restore proportions where these are no longer respected; on the other hand it has a biostimulating action, as the molecules of Hyaluronic Acid, once they reach the deep layers of our skin, are able to stimulate our cells (fibroblasts to be precise) to synthesise more Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and Elastin. The overall effect of a correct use of fillers is therefore that of a more harmonious face, never 'puffy' or transformed, but above all of a more youthful appearance. With fillers, certain aesthetic aspects of the face, neck wrinkles (Venus collar), hands and post-acneal scars can mainly be treated.

How it works

The Filler allows, once positioned in the right spot, the correct filling/supporting effect of the treated area to be achieved, so that it becomes more even, proportioned, lifted depending on what was initially needed. Injections can be performed via needle or cannula. The choice of the type of filler and injection method depends on the area being treated, but also on the experience of the doctor, and it is therefore possible to see differences in the approach to this procedure by different doctors. The amount of Hyaluronic Acid required can only be partially estimated before the session because in reality the behaviour of the substance in the weeks following the implantation may require further stabilisation and improvement of the results. This is because Hyaluronic Acid is a molecule that also tends to attract water and this 'moisturising' property can be used to our advantage to improve the water content of certain depressed and hollowed-out areas of the face. In face-harmonisation protocols, an initial analysis of the proportions in the patient's face is first carried out to identify what corrections might be possible, and the feasibility is discussed with the doctor. At this point, once it has been decided how to proceed, treatment can begin. Where and how to place the filler will be decided together with the doctor, who will explain why and the possible results of each correction decided at the table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are side effects possible?

Excessive amounts of fillers can generate unnatural results, leaving the face with a swollen appearance. It is therefore necessary to calibrate the doses very well, depending on the objectives to be achieved and their desired duration. Other transitory effects may be the appearance of redness or bruising. Effects that then tend to reabsorb spontaneously within a few days after the session. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in all connective tissue diseases.

Is it painful?

The needle used for injections is either very thin or a cannula is used instead. The choice of one or the other injection method depends on the area treated and the type of effect desired.

How long do the effects of the filler last?

The duration depends on the area treated and the type of Hyaluronic Acid used. Other factors that may determine a longer or shorter duration of the treatment results are the patient's metabolism, any intense physical activity and the presence of associated illnesses or drug therapies to give a few examples. It tends to be the case that after a first session, a second one is scheduled within a time frame of 4 to 6 months. Shorter intervals are possible if the desired effect was not immediately achieved with the first session. Repeating the treatment at regular intervals and choosing the right Hyaluronic Acids allows for longer-lasting results.

Is the treatment reversible?

Yes, it is seldom necessary to remove the Hyaluronic Acid implant because it is poorly tolerated or because perhaps too 'dense' fillers have been used in the past that have left lumps or palpable masses that cause discomfort. This is why there is an enzyme, called Hyaluronidase, which dissolves the Hyaluronic Acid used for the Filler treatment almost immediately and without consequences. The procedure is outpatient and is preceded by the injection of a drop of Hyaluronidase into the skin of the forearm to test for allergies to this antidote.

How often should the treatment be repeated?

The frequency of recall depends on many factors, the area treated and its extent, the imperfection addressed and its severity. It is therefore not possible to define the recall frequency a priori, however, on average the timing is around 6 months initially, and up to 9-12 months in cases where the result is stable over time.

When will the first effects be visible?

A few days after the treatment, the first effects are already visible, which consolidate and reach 100 per cent after about 2-3 weeks. During the first few days after treatment, the effect of the filler tends almost to be greater than it should have been on the basis of what was actually injected, due to the presence of a certain physiological swelling of the tissues when they come into contact with the Hyaluronic Acid, swelling that tends to reabsorb spontaneously in 24-48 hours.

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