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Laser treatment Nd:YAG



200 CHF / session

What is it for

Aesthetic treatment is basically directed at the face and legs and, depending on the case and severity, aims at improving or completely resolving visible capillaries. In particular, the vascular laser makes it possible to progressively reduce fine capillaries (telangiectasias) with a diameter of 1 mm or less, whether they are located on the face or the legs. Those on the face are mostly located on the nose and the sides of the nose, up to the cheekbones and chin. Those on the legs, on the other hand, can present themselves with different levels of severity from person to person and therefore in some cases the laser approach alone may not be sufficient or even contraindicated. A pre-treatment medical assessment is essential. Other types of capillary neoformations that can be treated with this laser are ruby angiomas (small dots of a deep red colour mainly located on the trunk and limbs) and star angiomas (or spider nevi), which have an almost spider-web-like "star" shape and are usually centred by a slightly more evident central punctiform capillary.

How it works

Laser light is selective for the red colour of blood, so when directed at a capillary or angioma, the laser heats it to the point of coagulation. This causes the treated capillary to close instantly, forming a kind of small invisible crust inside the capillary without damaging the epidermis in any way. In the weeks following each session, the treated capillaries may take two paths: some parts of them remain permanently closed and begin a process of slow but progressive reabsorption, while other parts tend to resume their normal function. For this reason, several sessions (an average of 4) are required on each capillary to achieve almost permanent closure. At the end of the cycle of sessions, the capillaries will still be visible, albeit with a more nuanced appearance. The process of capillary reabsorption will continue in the months following the end of the treatment until the treated capillaries are almost invisible.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do we see the first effects of the treatment?

In the laser treatment of capillaries, the results are by no means quick, usually at least two sessions are required to start seeing the first improvements.

How many sessions are needed?

On average, for an optimal result, 4 sessions spaced about 4 weeks apart are required. However, each case is individual and variations in the total number of sessions required are possible.

How long do the effects of the treatment last?

The effects on the treated capillaries are quite permanent, especially on the legs. However, if the person is genetically predisposed to this type of aesthetic problem, maintenance treatments (1-2 sessions per year) will almost certainly be necessary in order to effectively control this situation.

Is it painful?

No anaesthesia is required, but the treatment may be perceived as uncomfortable in some particularly sensitive areas. This discomfort is not persistent, however, but is limited to the moment when the session is performed. Afterwards, no discomfort or persistent pain is present.

Are there any contraindications or side effects?

In some cases, a slight redness has been observed in the treatment areas after application. This phenomenon, however, disappears spontaneously after a few hours without leaving any results. Rarely, small dot-like scabs may form in some of the treated areas. These are more typical of darker complexions and in any case resolve spontaneously without leaving scars. It has no side effects or allergic reactions. It cannot be performed during pregnancy or breastfeeding or if there is inflammation/infection in the area to be treated. It is also strongly contraindicated on olive or tanned skin.

Can I solve the problem for good?

The problem of capillaries (telangiectasias) in the face and legs cannot be solved definitively, but it is possible to keep them under control, minimising their unsightly aspects and slowing their worsening over time with appropriate targeted treatments.

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