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Facial treatment



700 CHF / session

the price includes the use of a vial

What is it for

Sculptra is a reliable treatment that goes beyond the concept of traditional fillers in some respects. Like other fillers, Sculptra works through the subcutaneous injection of a biocompatible substance with bio-stimulating action, which, in this case, is polylactic acid. This particular molecule, once under the skin, stimulates a powerful natural regeneration of collagen, making the skin firmer and more elastic, effectively and visibly reducing wrinkles and blemishes due to loss of volume in certain areas of the face. It is particularly suitable for areas that are often difficult to treat and with advanced stages of sagging skin. It is only used on the cheeks and never in the central areas of the face (e.g. around the nose and mouth). Moreover, it is very effective in giving a volumetric and reshaping action to the face to restore its natural harmonies.

How it works

L-polylactic acid (PLLA) is a biocompatible synthetic polymer. It is injected into the subcutaneous tissue or deep dermis with a very fine needle or cannula, which allows maximum precision in dosage for each area to be treated. The composition of the injected substance also contains water and other compounds that are eliminated very quickly by the body. Therefore, after a particularly noticeable initial swelling effect, this subsides after a few hours or days at most, while the polylactic acid triggers the mechanisms of self-generation of collagen. Repeating the treatment after 45-60 days achieves the desired results, which continue to stabilise in the first 4 months after the first session. The treated areas appear more toned, with less slackened skin and therefore looking much more youthful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the effects last?

After an initial temporary increase in volume in the treated area, this fades within a few days as the aqueous part of the injected solution is rapidly reabsorbed by the body. On the other hand, the correction of imperfections occurs through the residual polylactic acid that remains diffused in the dermis and that, after a few weeks, triggers a process of synthesis of new collagen that guarantees increasingly noticeable results.

How many sessions are needed?

Initially, at least 2 sessions are needed, spaced about 2 months apart. After that, one waits for the product to gradually do its work. Maintenance is then every 12 to 18 months as it is then sufficient to periodically renew the collagen synthesis stimulus by injecting new product to ensure satisfactory results are maintained.

If I stop doing the treatment?

Nothing happens, on the contrary, the appearance of the face will return to its original state but only after a long time, very slowly and certainly without worsening the initial general condition.

Side effects?

The needle or cannula used for the injections are very thin, so no anaesthetic is needed during the treatment. As side effects after treatment, small localised bruising is possible, which tends to disappear spontaneously after a few days. Rarely, erythema, slight pain to the touch or a hardening sensation may occur. Even these possible effects do not require intervention and disappear after a few days. However, it is very important to massage the treated areas several times a day in the 5 days following the session; this is a fundamental process for optimising the result.


The treatment should only be performed by experienced hands, as it requires a thorough dermatological analysis to validate its applicability. In particular, the treatment is contraindicated for peri-orbital, peri-nasal and peri-oral areas, which should be avoided at all costs. It is also contraindicated in the presence of herpes, infection, inflammation or active wounds on the area to be treated. Contraindicated, like almost all treatments, in the case of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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