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29 August 2022

Acne: the truth and false myths

Acne is a skin condition that strongly influences the emotional state of the sufferer. In order to see improvements one is often tempted to give in to the temptation to try 'miracle cures' and do-it-yourself remedies found on the internet.

It is very important, as a first step, to follow proper skincare, often on the advice of an expert who, after a careful analysis of the situation, can recommend products tailored to you.

And now let's take a look at some of the most common false myths about acne:

"Washing your skin often will make your acne go away" This is not quite so. in fact, overly aggressive cleansing could be counterproductive, irritating the skin by completely removing its protective hydrolipid film. Ideally, you should cleanse your face twice a day with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser.

"Don't wear make-up because otherwise your acne will get worse". This statement is not true, but you should pay attention to the products you use, which must be suitable for acne-prone skin. You can follow this advice: check on the product if it is marked 'oil-free' or 'non-comedogenic'.

In addition to skincare, it is important to undergo specific acne treatments, and to arm oneself with patience, as acne does not miraculously disappear in a fortnight, but sometimes needs months, especially to avoid scarring and hyperpigmentation.

There are also some daily measures that can support the acne healing process. For example, it is a good habit to change the pillowcase more than once a week, or to wash make-up tools often.

Among the most famous sayings you should not believe are 'acne will pass with age', when in fact acne can occur even in adulthood (an example from the world of celebrities is Alicia Keys). This widespread form of acne, called acne tardiva, is linked to hormonal causes and is often made worse by severe stress.


The acne treatment process is challenging and time-consuming, but following the advice of experts and relying on them is always the best solution.

At our medical aesthetic centre in Lugano, Ticino, we treat acne with our Face Regeneration Protocol, for deep skin cleansing and healing. You can address all your doubts to Dr Ugolini, dermatologist and aesthetic doctor at our centre, during an initial consultation.


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash